Colin Simpson
Track & Field
Colin Simpson is a 15 year old Rothwell Osnabruck student who has made his name in track and field, cross-country running and road racing.
Last May at the SD&G Track & Field Meet, he finished first in the 1500m, 3000m, and 2000m steeplechase and was winner of "Top Junior Boy' Award. He moved on to the Eastern Ontario championships in Brockville, where he had a fourth place finish and qualified for the East Regionals Meet in Ottawa.
In cross-country running last year, Colin took the top spot at the SD&G meet, and then finished fifth at the eastern Ontario championships to qualify for the All-Ontario meet. In Niagara Falls., against the best runners in the province, he finished 52nd out of 237 competitors.
Locally, in Road Racing, he has finished second in the MS 5K Run, and has won the Great Raisin River Race. Colin has been recognized with a number of awards as a student of R/O, and as a member of the Cornwall Legion Cougars and the Cornwall Multi-Sport Club.

Dalton Adams presenting to Colin Simpson.