Scott McGill
Basketball, Football, Curling
Scott attended St. Joseph Secondary School in Cornwall. During his four years at St. Joes, Scott played basketball, football, rugby, soccer and was a member of the curling team. He helped his high school team reach four straight SD&G championships, two straight EOSSA silver medals and two straight All Ontario appearances. He also played for the Cornwall Lions who were Gold Medalists at the Ontario Basketball Championships in 2007.
Scott played football for the Cornwall Wildcats and for St. Joe's. During his football career he has played defensive mid, tight end, receiver and full back.
He has been goal tender for his schools soccer team for the past three years and helped his team to a Bronze Medal at the 2009 Queen's University Invitational Indoor Tournament in Kingston.
Scott was a member of Cornwall Curling Clubs' Youth Program from 2002 to 2008. In February 2007, he was a member of a mixed Bantam team out of the Cornwall area to advance to the East Regionals after winning the Zone Playoffs. In 2008, the Bantam Boys with Scott as their Third won the Zone Playoffs and advanced to the Regional Playdowns.
Scott will be attending Queens University this fall.

Kristie Tate presenting to Scott McGill.